Every chapter of Party.0 starts with a student asking, “How can I throw sober parties at my school?” Now that Justin from UW Stevens Point has asked that question… we’re moving forward. Check out our first experience at UWSP and what’s happened so far.
Justin sent us an email through our contact page explaining how he’s not opposed to alcohol, but he’d like to have an option to socialize without it. He even told about the time he’d gone to a Party.0 event in Oshkosh.
“Having attended a party hosted by Party.0, the only pressure I felt was to be myself and have a good time. I didn’t have to worry about getting in trouble or embarrassing myself or feeling pressure to do what I didn’t want to do, but at the same time it actually FELT like a genuine social experience. I guess my biggest takeaway is that is WAS a genuine party, but there was no alcohol.”So I wrote him back and found a time when I could come visit him at UW Stevens Point. We talked about campus life for a bit, he showed me around and then I showed him how to get people on “the list.” The list is how we promote Party.0 and it’s one of the many reasons why 9 out of 10 students say yes to what we’re doing. So after hanging out, meeting some new people on campus and sharing Party.0 with them, I drove back home. Since then, Justin has been approached by the campus newspaper for an article and is building a team. I’m excited to see what Spring semester holds as they get Party.0 up and running! If you’d like to follow their progress, feel free to like our facebook page.
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