[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1512433754211{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]Lays, coconut bras, parrots and grass skirts! Check out the recap from Becca and Maria’s sober luau party!
Texting list, Instagram and Party.0 St.Norbert Facebook page.
Just over 100 students showed up to party sober at the Untouchable‘s house at St.Norbert. The house was packed since it was still cold outside. People were playing Skill Pong, Spot It, 5 Second Rule, and other group games. The basement was CRAZY with DJ Polar Dubs… the walls were literally sweating because it was so hot down there, lol. This sober party was definitely a success!
The Residence Hall Association helped by giving a bunch of gift cards to places like Amazon, Starbucks, McDonalds and Applebees. They had a raffle to give away the prizes and guests could get more tickets by winning games.
– Lots of new faces and people checking out Party.0
– New house to host sober events at
– 15+ new facebook subscribers after the event (they must have had a good time!)
– New students interested in helping out
– People yelling at the song “Uptown Funk” (hilarious!)
Is Running Party.0 Difficult?
Becca: No, this is probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done. People really want this so they’re willing to support us, give us donations and students let us use their houses… It’s so easy!
Maria: Once you figure out what needs to be done, it goes really smooth.
Contact us to host sober house parties at your school!
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