The problem of Alcohol Consumption and Binge Drinking in College-Age Students According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol is the most abused and underestimated drug in the world. One of the destructive uses of alcohol we see is binge drinking in college. Parents need to recognize that college students, especially first […]
Category: Speaking

SHOW ME THE MONEY! Have you ever wanted to bring an amazing speaker to your campus on a topic like alcohol & drugs, leadership, sexual health, diversity, or mental health… only to find out you didn’t have enough budget? What can we do when we don’t have funds available for bringing in new programs or […]

HOBY (or the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Foundation) is a world-wide organization dedicated to helping young students become better leaders. A few hundred high school sophomores were invited to Youngstown, Ohio and I was invited to speak about societal leadership. The highlight of the trip was definitely the crazy cheers they did. Students would randomly […]

Two fraternities were on probation for incidents with alcohol, but they decided to do something unique to come back from that. They threw a party… a sober party.

People are always asking how Party.0 can help younger students because it seems like people are drinking and using drugs earlier and earlier, many starting between the ages of 12 and 14. Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) brought me in to speak in front of their high school and middle school peers during Red Ribbon Week to address […]

I was invited to the University of North Carolina in Asheville to do a speaking engagement during welcome week and introduce their students to our movement of spreading sober parties across the nation. The speaking series I was booked for was called Next Gen and features young professionals who are making a difference in the world. They were […]