
Jake speaks at the HOBY Youth Leadership Conference

HOBY (or the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Foundation) is a world-wide organization dedicated to helping young students become better leaders. A few hundred high school sophomores were invited to Youngstown, Ohio and I was invited to speak about societal leadership.

The highlight of the trip was definitely the crazy cheers they did. Students would randomly start yelling something and then before you know it, the entire crowd would join in! “Cheesy” I thought at first… but by the end of the conference I shamelessly cheered the cheesiest of chants along with my fellow HOBYers!

The director Jacob asked me to speak about societal leadership because I had defied social norms to create Party.0 and he thought it would be great for the students in Ohio to hear. Ohio has been named the overdose capital of America and the students had felt the tremble of addiction across the state in their own cities.

I taught students to do more than just survive high school… instead I encouraged them to VIVE! Live with Vision, Innovation, Volume and Elevation.

If you can see where you want to go in life. You’re more likely to end up there. (Think about it, have you ever just accidentally achieved something you really wanted?)

Creating the life you want is not easy (nothing worthwhile is…) so you’ll have to innovate along the way. It’s just making one change that will get closer to where you want to go.

When you find something you love, you turn up the volume to share it with others. This helps people hear what you’re about and join you in creating your vision!

When you live like this, you’ll notice that your life gets better – and when you’re better, you raise the elevation of everyone around you as well.

It was the perfect way to unveil our new platform Vive18 that helps middle and high school students host positive, sober events for their school. We’ve constantly been asked to help younger students provide alternatives to drinking and using drugs – so now we’ve got something to give them.

By Jake White

Jake White is a national youth speaker on the topics of drug prevention, alcohol awareness, cannabis education. He is the founder of the Party.0 sober party movement for college students and has created numerous resources for schools including restorative programs, prevention curriculum, and bystander intervention games. Apart from being an alcohol awareness speaker for colleges, he also helps show middle school and high school students they can fit in, make friends and have fun without using drugs or alcohol through his engaging presentations and prevention curriculum.